
Is it safe to visit Georgia?

To: Explore Georgia
Date: 04/06/2010 10:23 AM
Hi over there,

I am Tim Fredriksson from Sweden. I'm planning to visit the lovely Georgia this summer. But I have some questions:

1) It seems to be so many weapons around in Georgia. Would you recommend us to get armed/hire guards when travelling around?

2) What currency should I bring? Does US $ work in Georgia, or is it better to bring €? Plain gold coins?

3) Is there a risk for a second Russian invasion as the one during 2008?

Best regards,
Tim Fredriksson


To: tim.fredriksson@gmail.com
From: Explore Georgia
Date: 04/08/2010 05:14 PM

Mr. Fredriksson,

I am sorry but you have contacted the wrong Georgia. This is the state of Georgia located in the United States.


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