To: Hidden Trails
Date: 05/29/2010 03:13 PM
Soon I will fulfil my lifedream to go to Argentina and discover the Pampas from horseback. However, my personal horsecoach in Sweden has told me it is of uttermost importance that I use the right horses. Thus, he has analyzed my riding profile and my horoscope. He found out that I should preferable ride an Aquarius. A Libra or a Taurus would also work, but is not optimal. Horses belongning to other Signs are not acceptable, and if I got a Scorpio horse my life could be in danger.
So, for your tour Estancia Pampas El Silencio - do you have any Aquarius horses available? Is it possible reserve these in advance?
Best regards,
Tim Fredriksson
From: Hidden Trails
Date: 05/29/2010 04:22 PM
I have no doubt that we can reserve a right horse for you !
To make a reservation, please go to:
I look forward to hearing from you again.
Have a great day !
Kind regards,
Hidden Trails
Have a great day !
Kind regards,
Hidden Trails